Category: Personal Work

  • Mescaline


    personal work / photoshop Mescaline is a passion project that consumed my head for weeks. I saw this image in my mind and worked for hours on end to achieve the desired effect.

  • Max Glitches

    Max Glitches

    personal work / cycling74_MAX / live processing

  • Depth Portrait

    Depth Portrait

    personal work / photoshop / data This piece was made during a time when I was fascinated with depth imagery. This is a 3D model that was exported as a high-resolution depth image and then manipulated in Photoshop.

  • Depth Tracking

    Depth Tracking

    personal work / coding / data For this project, I used an Xbox Kinect camera to get depth information and put it into Processing. I was working with other artists at this time on interactive installation art and gestural interaction was a common request.

  • Data Moshing

    Data Moshing

    personal work / experimentation / data I used declassified FBI documents for this piece. The pages were converted into frames for a video file and then data moshed. This was an exploration into data moshing techniques and creating glitch textures.

  • Praise


    personal work / video editing / sound design “get a bar of Praise”